Editor's Note: this is my 50th post ever! (Not counting the last one, simply because, well, it doesn't count.)
One of my small group leaders asked me to prepare some things to share with our small group Sunday morning before last; just advice and things I've learned in my meager 18. I thought I'd share them here with you.
1) Make God Your Priority and Keep Him There! Hold your time with Him in unparalleled importance. Let your quiet times be truly quiet-- just you and God together. It is amazing what can get lost in noise. A thriving relationship with God is the most valuable thing you could ever have. He will be there to help you in times that:
- you're tempted to compromise
- you're needing counsel, or
- you just don't feel like things are working out.
Have His perspective on life--He will see you through--even through High School! :)
2) Love! Don't let this one go. Sometimes, love is lacking and we don't even realize it. One way is to love your parents, and go to them for advice. There is a reason that God gave you parents! Going to them and seeking their wisdom is one way to really honor them. Another way to love is by including and getting to know those outside your usual circle of friends. What an awesome thing a new friend can be, for both people involved!
3) Be Pure! Be careful about what you let into your heart and mind. Ask your parents to look into movies you want to watch. (Here are some great websites from Christian perspective:
Christianity Today Movies "Film Forum"; Christian Answers' "Spotlight on Entertainment"; Focus on the Family "Plugged In"; Jesus Freak Hideout; and one that is secular but that can outline the general plot is Internet Movie Database.) Try to have girls as your best friends, ladies. Like Pastor Sean says, you wouldn't want your future husband to be best friends with another girl. Dont do that to other girls. Leave the guys to make friends with each other. (In my own life, I've had some situations where if I hadn't erred on the side of caution, it would've been bad.)
4) Be Salt and Light! There are so many ways you can fulfill the Great Commission, just in Marysville. - Pray for unbelievers, whether friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, etc.
- Be a light - have integrity with your unbelieving friends. They won't see God in you if you look exactly like they do.
- Serve in the evangelistic opportunities you're given. Backyard Bible Club, World's for Sale, handing out invitations for church concerts, and diligence at work are all great ways to show God off to the community. Your work ethic and attitude are a huge witness--good or bad--to unbelievers.
5) Reach Out! Get to know people who are older and younger than you are. There are some absolutely incredible people outside our age group! Kids are awesome to work with. AWANA, Childrens Ministry, and the Nursery are great ministry opportunities. Older people can share so much wisdom, and they can be so much fun to get to know! Life can be very blessed by just having a wide variety of friends.