As I prepared to read His Word, I picked up some reading glasses that Mom had just bought, to try them out. Using my sleeve, I wiped my fingerprints off the lenses, and put the glasses on. Suddenly, it dawned on me. Just as I can see text more clearly once I've put the glasses on, I am able to see the Lord more clearly once I've seen Him through His Word. Oddly enough, just like cleaning a pair of glasses, I must accurately understand and interpret the Word to see the Lord in an accurate, undistorted manner.
At 10/19/2006 12:26 PM,
The Resident Writer said…
Sorry I haven't commented in a few whiles. It just occured to me that you have just started experiencing college life? How do you like it? Are you working? Did you feel socially prepared to be around so many people and ideas and opinions? I was trying to dust the cobwebs out of my brain and remember my freshman year of college. I just did a few years of Jr. College, but it was such an amazing amount of freedom! I worked at McDonald's, and then at a Pre-school, but still . . . being able to just walk off campus without anyone bothering you, going to the parking lot to eat a snack or take a nap in the car in the middle of a school day, it was so cool! They say your college years are when your beliefs really become convictions, and with all the essays you probably will be writing and all the people around you, you'll have many opportunities to share and refine your personal faith. If you allow it, God will sharpen your faith to allow you to be a great witness for Him. I remember you in my prayers, and thank God for you.
At 10/19/2006 9:49 PM,
Kate Alesso said…
Hi, my Otis friend!
Hey, I enjoy any comments I get, so don't worry about the frequency. You're more faithful than I am! I am loving la vida college. Not working right now, though I've submitted my resume to the college coffee shop & they said they'll be hiring soon.
I actually do feel pretty prepared to be with these people. Sometimes I feel like I am completely insufficient and unable. But I keep realizing that this line of thought is right--I am incapable, but only without God. With Him, I can accomplish whatever He has planned for me. It has been great to see Him provide (and work in)all sorts of interactions at the college. He is so awesome--and not in the everyday sense of the word! I can totally relate to your experience of just enjoying the process of deciding where to study, how to use time between classes, how to eat, etc. God has shown me ways that I can be a good steward in those areas, and I trust He will continue to teach me in that. Thank you so much for your prayers! I've begun to realize that life requires us to be faithful and show Him off in the "hope that is within us." I'm thankful that He's the One to strengthen me. Otherwise, I'd be sunk! :)
At 10/20/2006 10:22 AM,
The Resident Writer said…
Thanks be to God that He will never let you sink as you trust in Him-you will merrily row along! Remember that even in a storm, and with a faltering of his faith, Jesus wouldn't let Peter sink.
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