
Friday, July 21, 2006

Life is Short--Sing it Well

Tonight I came home to find some cds, beautifully published, sitting on our dinner table. I looked at them a little closer, and found that they were songs by Justin, the late son of some family friends. He died a little over two years ago. Hearing his music and looking over the cd leaflets reminded me of the brevity of life.

Justin died two days after getting engaged. I'm sure they were thinking about the wedding, not expecting a funeral. It's so important, though, to be ready for that unexpected day when you breathe your last.

I didn't know him well at all, but I've found some of his quotes quite thought provoking. I thought I might share them here. The last one seems a bit like Edwards.

"Music is just the body. The words are the soul."

"It's not the outside that matters. It's not for the outside that Jesus died."

"My greatest desire, is to save all I can from the fire."


  • At 7/24/2006 9:40 AM, Blogger The Resident Writer said…

    Your'e a good friend to post Justin's quotes on your blog, and that way leave a legacy for him. I hope someone does that for me someday.

  • At 7/24/2006 9:01 PM, Blogger Leila said…

    Was he from Monroe? Does the cover have a drawing of the sun?

  • At 7/25/2006 1:21 AM, Blogger Kate Alesso said…


    Thank you for your kindness. Lord willing, we'll be friends until that day when the Lord calls one of us home. Maybe the Lord will come and we'll both be in awe in heaven at the same time! And the world will be bereft of our lovely quotes! Just kidding, at least about my quotes. :)


    He was from Snohomish, actually, but those communities are so integrated that it very well could be him, especially since the cover does indeed have a drawing of the sun. How did you know him? Okay, my guess: Home Depot. Let me know!

    Love you, ladies! And as we sang at the concert last night, "The Lord bless you and keep you!"

  • At 7/26/2006 11:39 AM, Blogger Leila said…

    Katie - I didn't actually know him, but one of my good friends (Renee Pietsch) was good friends with his family - I remember her sharing about his death and then giving me the CDs. Looking at the pictures and listening to the music is - well, it makes you stop and consider things.

  • At 7/31/2006 3:15 PM, Blogger Tony Kevin said…

    wow. Amazing.

    I like those quotes.


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