God & Order
It was so cool tonight to hear Jesse's thoughts on God's orderliness. I also really enjoyed James' message a little bit ago. What was interesting is that just last night, I was reminded again of the beauty and amazing design of God's creation, and His complete control over it. I was reading in Psalm 104, and it really popped out at me. I would heartily encourage you to read it. It's beautiful and truly amazing.
For example, verse 24:
O Lord, how many are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all;
The earth is full of your possessions.
Also amazing is that my mom & brother were just talking about photosynthesis today, and I was thinking how awesome it is that a little seed could make its own food out of sunlight, water, and minerals from soil! I know I'd turn green too, if I had to survive merely on those things! :) And mom & he were covering venus fly traps today too. That was pretty incredible too.
Just consider a few familiar lyrics from the song, "Indescribable."
Do you think, just maybe, that God might be trying to show Himself off to you and me? Let's pay attention!
At 5/14/2005 10:17 PM,
Tony Kevin said…
wow, katie. great blog! I liked your comment about turning green. That was classic! Yes our God is amazing. He is a God of order and design. I agree with you... let's pay attention!
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