
Thursday, April 14, 2005

I Will Go

There's a new song in our choir books, and it is terrific, so I thought I'd share it with you. Sort of a sneak-preview. :) Maybe you've heard it before--Pastor Williams said that Steve Green used to sing it. It's new to me, though, and I think it's hugely challenging. So hopefully it'll be useful to you, unless you've mastered this attitude. :) Reading the words, it becomes obvious, though, that I'm nowhere near what it says. I notice new stuff everytime I read the lyrics. Let's pray that God will work His grace in our lives to become more like this. Enjoy!

I Will Go

Give me ears to hear Your Spirit,
Give me feet to follow You.
Give me hands to touch the hurting,
And the faith to follow You.

Give me grace to be a servant,
Give me mercy for the lost.
Give me passion for your glory,
Give me passion for the cross.

And I will go where there are no easy roads,
Leave the comforts that I know.
I will go and let this journey be my home.
I will go, I will go.

I'll let go of my ambition,
Cut the roots that run too deep.
I will learn to give away
What I cannot really keep,
What I cannot really keep.

Help me see with eyes of faith,
Give me strength to run this race.
And I will go where there are no easy roads,
Leave the comforts that I know.
I will go and let this journey be my home.
I will go, I will go.

I will go, Lord, where Your glory is unknown.
I will live for You alone.
I will go because my life is not my own.
I will go, I will go!


  • At 4/18/2005 3:13 PM, Blogger Tony Kevin said…

    Katie A, way to go! As Sean would say, "you are on blogging fire!"

  • At 4/22/2005 2:23 PM, Blogger orangelugster said…

    Yeah, that is truly challenging. I often catch myself not willing to step out and be uncomfortable for the sake of Christ or what He would do. Say for instance, sticking around and waiting with someone until their ride appears or picking up a piece of trash I see lying around; just things that aren't necessarily convenient yet pleases the Lord. This, I think, is even applying those lyrics in the most moderate sense seeing how it could apply to so many more extreme type things like moving your family to a different country for the sake of the gospel. We are told to be uncommon, not like the world, held up to a higher standard. Awesome, thanks Gracegirl, keep it up.


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