
Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I'm on lounge duty tonight, because a friend needed me to sub for her, and actually I'm happy to do so. I've just finished a mountain of homework the size of Rainier (took me all weekend). I can't bring myself to work on homework much at all tonight--it's just the very principle of the thing--a weekend that full of homework doesn't exactly inspire a weeknight of diligence. It's nice to have a bit of time to chew on all that has been going on, as I simultaneously chew on black licorice and contemplate the delights of tomorrow.

And my mind keeps wandering to so many things.

I think about the Gospel which has become so real to me, so much more beautiful as i've gone through Romans this semester. I think about the friend God provided me this year, to lean on and pray with through the hard nights--a sister who knows me so well, a sister who sacrifices so much when I never deserve it. I think about the beloved friend back home who reached beyond her pain to bless me this week. I think about the precious couple from home that I hold so dear in my heart, who came and spent the weekend with me as they traveled nearby. I think about the fun I've had, even with my coworker who has become such a great sister to me. I think about the loving people here I still want so much to get to know. I think about how enjoyable I find the library, simply because it's filled with people I enjoy so much. I think about how over the course of two months, so much has happened, and so much has changed.

I think about home being only four days away. I think about my brother playing music for me over the phone. I think about how much I stifle my homesickness until just before I go back home, and how it all comes pouring out. I think about those I know who don't have a family worth missing. I think about wonderful friends back home. I think about how very blessed I am.

Out of everyone in the world, everyone in history, I have been given the Gospel, given a loving family, given a place to live, given Scripture in my own language, given more than adequate food and clothing, given so much. How can I complain?


  • At 3/11/2008 11:30 AM, Blogger Tony Kevin said…

    Good thoughts Katie. I do appreciate it. We westerners have very little to complain about. Especially when it comes to faith. But for some reason it is so easy! Oh, pride.

  • At 4/08/2008 8:14 AM, Blogger NeverAlone said…

    Katie, that was wonderful to read! I too feel just overwhelmed and surrounded by God's great goodness all the time--it's amazing to think He chose to do anything good or wonderful for us, and He always does. I'm glad He is encouraging you while you're so far from me.

  • At 4/08/2008 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That was such a sweet post, Katie. Thanks for sharing those truths from God with us - that's the next-best thing to do with studied Scripture besides applying it yourself!♥ Your godly focus and love for your family were a bit of a wake-up call for me. I have heard the same things about being blessed to have such easy access to God's word, but I took it for granted still. I feel exactly the same way about being homesick, too!:)
    I'm home for the summer from May to August. See you around, brown.

  • At 4/17/2008 10:27 PM, Blogger Andrew said…

    Hey. I just followed the link from your comment and found your blog. Great thoughts :) Keep up the posting!


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