I Love the People of God!
The gentle sound of rain hitting puddles is making me miss home a bit. But the rain here also makes me even happier to be here. There's something about when it rains in California. Last night, my sweet friend/ARA/Small Group Leader/classmate/next door neighbor (man, I think we need a DTR!) Jenna Lugo kindly lent me her umbrella. As I walked toward the gazebo under the oaks, the winds began to pick up--very quickly! I hadn't gotten past the gazebo before the wind entirely flipped the umbrella inside out. This made me laugh a bit, and I faced it so that the wind would turn it rightside out. This worked, and I began to walk again. About two steps later, I had an inside out umbrella again. I couldn't help it--I doubled over laughing. This really doesn't happen in Seattle, because we just don't use umbrellas. The rain is gentler back home, and we're used to it. I don't really have to deal with inside out umbrellas. When I returned to the lounge, I spent some time with my sweet friend/ARA/umbrella lender/etc. and had to get a highlighter from my room. When I got to the door, I saw a brand new, beautiful umbrella awaiting me with a note attached. It had my nickname on it, and some sweet wishes for dry weather. My dear friend and her fiance had picked it out just for me. Do people get nicer? I don't think so. I am so thankful for the way God blesses me with His love through others, even when all I can seem to focus on is how to fix drenched hair & soggy Converses. He is making this place a wonderful home--different, but wonderful.
At 2/11/2008 9:05 AM,
NeverAlone said…
Sounds like you have a lot of people living in the dorm next to you! I'm thankful that Jenn is taking care of you, even if it is according to that California fear of rain.
But what's this? A girl born and raised in Washington needs an umbrella? Have you lost your hair? Are you developing a fear of a little rain water? What is California doing to you?! I may have to come and rescue you and deprogram you...
At 3/06/2008 1:13 AM,
Wow, your posts are amazing! You're so full of Christ in you!
I'm a Christian as well, and would love to know what you think of my writings (most of them has been published). Please leave a comment...? Thanks!
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