
Friday, January 19, 2007

Funny Times...

Today I was sitting at one of the computers in the school library, and this guy came up to me and said "Hey." I wasn't sure, but I thought I might've heard him say "Molly" after that, and I thought to myself, "Who in the world is Molly?" but he was looking right at me, so I said "Hi." He said, "How are you?" and I said, "Great. How about you?" He said, "Good. Hey, are you still working at the student center?" I took a moment and then said, "Um, actually, I've never worked at the student center. Do you have me confused with someone else?" He looked at me, opened his mouth, closed it, grabbed his hat, covered his face and walked off, saying, "Oh....oh no." I didn't want him to feel bad, though. I whispered/shouted, "No, it's okay. I think it's kind of funny."
The girl at the computer next to me let out a few quiet laughs, which made me laugh too. That was a funny moment.

Did I tell you about the guy who walked up to me on the first day of school and asked me "If you were a car, what kind do you think you'd be?" Yeah--out of nowhere. I was stunned and stammered a little. I decided that I should probably respond, so I just told him my dream car--a Smart car. (Not that I mean I'm smart--I just like the car.) He said, "I think I'd be a Ferrari. Have a nice day." and walked off.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Real "Happiest Place on Earth"

Guess where I'll be working...

Oh yeah... You know you want some.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Is My Christian Mask Slipping?

The other night at WOW (Bible Study), we were discussing a question regarding Rom. 12:1-2, and how we are to serve God and daily become a living sacrifice. We talked about how righteousness happens from the inside out--internally being filled with the Spirit and God's Word, and how that works out into your life. It's interesting how the Christian life flows from the heart. God has to work in you--you have to change, not change appearances.

The focus of the world is all about the appearance of a thing, neglecting the thing itself. You can't paste on righteousness, as every other religion in the world tries to do (the religion of human achievement). From the makeup-and-hair movement, to the self-improvement movement, to the religious movement of the moment, everything is about making it look good--it doesn't change who you are. So many people headed through that wide gate, thinking they look okay when they're whitewashed tombs. So sad.

I think it's easy even for the Christian to fall into that mindset: How does my Christianity look? Am I worshipping right? Am I giving enough? Am I kind enough? We can't live like that. We have to go deep into what God can do internally--the heart surgery, the whole-person change.