
Monday, May 15, 2006

Reasons Series: Garage Sales

This one is close to my heart--garage sales! I've gotta say, this is an undiscovered gem of a deal. I often come home from garage sales with brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Liz Claiborne, Banana Republic, and J.Crew in excellent condition for under a dollar. And when I talk to people about it, they often sniff and give each other knowing looks. But hey, I'm getting the deal, and they're missing out. At least I've informed them about the hot deals in town! That's how I see it, anyway. It's okay if you disagree, I just have to share my reasons behind one of my favorite ways to get a deal. And hey, this will make 5 posts in 4 days, which, I'm pretty sure will make a personal record. So here are some of my reasons for garage sale shopping:

I don't have to go to the mall--which I hate doing! I hate the high pressure environment and the "sales" that cost literally ten to thirty times the price of what I'd get it for at a garage sale. I only go to the mall if I have to.

I can buy brands I wouldn't normally. I could never buy certain brands in good conscience because they cost so much, and I can't imagine paying so much money on something that will get stained, ripped, faded, etc. Honestly, seeing the price tags can make my stomach hurt. Many of my outfits lately cost me two dollars or less. Crazy.

It is so much fun!!! Some of my favorite times are those that I find something I've been needing for fifty cents. It just makes me laugh and think, "Well, God is just choosing to let me be blessed today!" It can be so cool.

You get a wide variety. I can dress any way I want when I garage sale. At stores, I really can't find a thing that's my style. It is so hard! And yet, at garage sales, I never cease to be amazed at the cute stuff I find.

Somehow, I find more modest stuff at garage sales than elsewhere. I don't know why this is, but it's true. I can't find pants that look good, and fit, and are modest, and don't cost $70 a pair unless I go to garage sales. I don't understand it.

I find the coolest stuff for my room! I got a cute black shelf for my room for a dollar a couple of weeks ago. My bedroom set is really nice and my Mom got it super cheap at a garage sale. Once I get it all set up, I'll have the cheapest cute room! I honestly can't wait.

Oddly enough, you get so much done in so little time! At neighborhood garage sales, especially, you can buy your whole wardrobe for the year in a couple of hours. It is unbelievable what you can accomplish.

This is a weird point, but I've actually had opportunity to share. Just a bit ago, when we were at this sale run by a deaf family, I got to use my rusty sign language skills. They were such sweet people. I handed them the church's "business" card and pointed out the part that said that we have interpretation for the deaf. That really lit up my day.

So keep an eye out for those neon poster-board, sharpie-marked signs, and don't spend that dollar all in one place!


  • At 5/16/2006 10:53 AM, Blogger Leila said…

    Katie - this is an area of my life I need to grow in...I need to become a thrift store and garage sale junkie. Perhaps I can learn from you...


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