Wow. Everything is Christmas right now. Looking at my calendar, my to do list, and my family, I see that everything is absorbed in the Christmas season. I can't believe how complicated life can get in one month. There are so many things to do, and so many things to do for those previous things to do. It is absolutely crazy.
You know what's funny, though? I love this. I love the challenge of thinking of what to get my family and friends, making the things I hope they'll enjoy, and finding those things that fit them so perfectly. Christmas is so special.
But it's so much more than all that, because really, if it's just consumerism for your family and friends, it's nothing. What keeps you going the rest of the year? Just looking forward to next Christmas? Uh, no. I love the fact that we take basically a whole month, to remember the one thing that is most worthy of remembering; that God sent His Son Jesus for our sins. He certainly didn't have to come here. But He chose to die so we could have life. He loves us that much. I think that is the most awe-inspiring thing. No, wait. I knowthat's the most awe-inspiring thing.
And, absolutely, that is the thing that is worth celebrating. Are you celebrating the spirit of giving, or the spirit of the Gift?
Wow... I'm totally excited. This is my very first blog entry! It will be exciting to see how this whole "blog thing" ends up. Hope God uses this in some small way at least to edify & encourage you. I love to see my friends' blogs--it's always good to see what God is teaching them and doing in their lives. So, here I begin!
Today I've been mentally chewing on a few things. Last night I babysat and was very encouraged when it came to bedtime. Not because I didn't like the kids and wanted them to go to sleep--no. It was something very cool that happened. When the kids were in their pjs and had gotten all tucked in, I asked who wanted to say their prayers first. This sometimes comes with groans from kids, but this time I got a much different reaction. All three of them shouted, "Me! Miss Katie, pick me!" I had to go with who had asked first. The youngest, a little boy, was very disappointed that he was last. He actually tried to start praying when his brother was, but I pointed out that he would get his turn, and he was okay with it.
When his turn finally came, he excitedly folded his chubby little hands and prayed for his family members, including uncles and grandparents. It was a little hard to understand him because he's only 3 and he was eagerly praying for each one, sort of slurring. But when he was finished, there was such a glee that swept over his face that I can't help thinking about it.
Have I shown such an irrepressible joy in talking to God? I have to say I haven't. To think of the lyrics that I sing so often, am I really pursuing God and loving Him "with faith like a child?" It was very cool to see little Kerrigan's love and eagerness to connect with the Lord. God is always faithful to get you back where you belong. I'm glad He showed me in such a sweet way. What an encouragement and a lesson kids are.
I hope you are shown the great grace of God this week too.
When I was four, I was coming home from Bible Study with my mom, and I asked her, "Mom, why does everything we do have Jesus in it?" She said, "Because before I came to know Jesus, my life wasn't worth anything." And it must've gotten me thinking, because shortly after that, I was riding in the car with dad, and asked if I could get to know Jesus too. So we pulled over and prayed together, and that's when I first met my Savior and Lord. I was a sinner, an enemy of God, and He sent His Son Jesus to die for my sin so that if I just believed, I would be set free from the penalty of sin--eternal separation from God, in hell. I am so thankful for all that God has done in my life. Since that point at age four, I have grown in my faith, realized it as my own, and have loved the Lord more and more. It is my prayer that you come to know Him too. Ask Him to take away your sin and make you a new person. This is the most important and wonderful decision you'll ever make!